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Mountain Valley Pipeline Operations Begin

Transitions from Source of Good Jobs to Source of Affordable Energy

Reston, Va. (June 14, 2024) – In response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission green-lighting Mountain Valley Pipeline’s (MVP) operations, LIUNA Mid-Atlantic Vice President and Regional Manager Dennis L. Martire made the following statement:

As the Mountain Valley Pipeline begins to serve West Virginia and Virginia residents with affordable natural gas, the project has been serving local residents throughout construction.

MVP created thousands of jobs for local residents including approximately 600 LIUNA members. With the living wage and benefits such as family healthcare and employer-paid pensions that were available to the workers, MVP was more than a job. It was a lifeline to a better way of life. A lifeline to the middle class.

Despite the unnecessary regulatory interference, MVP’s creation of good jobs and affordable energy prevailed. Whether it is natural gas or solar, future energy projects must learn from MVP. The politicization of the regulatory process that occurred during this project is anti-worker and threatens the American standard of living.

We thank Equitrans for their commitment to safety as well as their commitment to the men and women relying on the project to support their families. We also thank all of our dedicated LIUNA members who fought for MVP on and off the job. Your voices were heard, and your hard work led to a critical part of our nation’s energy infrastructure.



